- All Galleries
- Legion of Honour Ceremony April 2017
- Australasian Soldiers Dardanelles Cenotaph Commemorative Service
- Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk Opening
- Opening of The Jamie Larcombe Centre
- Wish me luck - Honouring our WWll Veterans Exhibition Launch
- Australasian Soldiers Dardanelles Cenotaph Commemorative Service
- Legion of Honour Ceremony September 2016
- Veterans' Mentoring Program Launch
- Governor General tour of The Jamie Larcombe Centre
- State Dinner commemorating the Centenary of the World War 1 Armistice
Anzac Day 2020 – How We Commemorated
Since the announcement that Anzac Day services and activities across the state and the country had to be cancelled, we saw so many fantastic initiatives to ensure that Anzac Day was not forgotten and our service men and women were paid the respect and given the thanks that they deserve on this important day.
With so many thoughtful and creative Anzac Day commemoration ideas shared from all over the country, we have created a gallery of how our community recognised this important day from home.
You can still submit your Anzac Day commemoration photos via our Facebook page or via email to veteranssa@sa.gov.au to have your images included in this online gallery.