Effectively managing your finances throughout your time in the ADF will help to achieve a smoother transition when the time comes.
The Australian Government’s Moneysmart website provides consumers with free tools, tips and guidance to help take control of their money and achieve financial security. The Moneysmart website provides general information on managing money, reducing debt, investments, superannuation and planning for your future.
Financial services are available through the ADF.
The ADF Financial Services Consumer Centre (ADF Consumer) is an independent financial and consumer education service for ADF members. The ADF Consumer website contains detailed information and advice to help you and your family achieve greater financial security from initial training through to transition.
If you are planning to transition out of Defence, you may be able to access funding of up to $1,000 towards professional financial advice to assist you and your family in planning for your financial security post-service. This should be discussed with your Transition Coach if you would like to access this support.
If you are seeking to engage an independent financial advisor, the ADF Financial Advice Referral Program is an initiative designed to assist ADF members in privately obtaining financial advice services which are free from remuneration-based conflicts of interest. The financial advisers in who are part of the program have agreed to provide advice on a genuine fee for service basis (i.e., not influenced by benefits or rebates that they may receive for recommending certain products to clients). This means that you can be more confident that you are getting advice that is in your best interests.
It is important to know your superannuation options, which is likely to be different for the serving member and for Defence partners and whether you are still serving or have transitioned out of Defence.
Serving members are required to make superannuation contributions to an ADF approved super fund. The Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) looks after super funds designed specifically for Australian Government and Defence Force employees.
CSC is the trustee for MilitarySuper (MSBS) and ADFSuper and administrator of the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB) and ADFCover.
Once you leave the ADF and commence civilian employment, you may be eligible to move your superannuation to a fund of your choice. Likewise, Defence partners who are employed in civilian workplaces are able to choose the fund that their superannuation payments are made to. There are a large number of superannuation funds to choose from, and the Moneysmart website contains tools and tips for choosing the right fund to suit your circumstances.

Financial literacy education workshops are run monthly online through the Veterans Financial Wellbeing program, sponsored by the Ecstra Foundation and UCare Gawler Inc.
The objective of these free workshops is to help participants learn to live within their income, plan for the future and reduce financial stress. Current and former serving ADF members and their families are eligible for the workshops, as well as ex-service organisation volunteers and wellness advocates.
Some areas covered in these workshops are:
- Self Awareness: Identify how your past influences your attitude toward your financial life
- The basics of budgeting
- Simple tips, tools and resources to help manage your budget
- Setting realistic money goals
- Know where to get help about money
- Credit scores and credit reports
- Types of scams
Workshops can be delivered online or face-to-face. Contact the Veterans Financial Wellbeing team for more information.