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Joanna Tsoukalas
Strategic Communications Manager
0403 124 556
08 8463 7147 

Have your say to improve Veteran health

Jan 2023|Media Release|

Geoff Brock MP Minister for Veterans’ Affairs South Australian veterans are invited to have their say to improve access to health care and support their wellbeing. Anyone who has served in the Australian Defence Force – past or present – [...]

More affordable healthcare for Defence families

Dec 2022|Media Release|

The Hon Matt Keogh MP Minister for Veterans' Affairs Minister for Defence Personnel Healthcare is set to become more affordable for Defence families, with the expansion of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Family Health Program from today. Families can now [...]

Veterans prioritised in federal budget

Oct 2022|Media Release|

The Hon Richard Marles MP Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Defence The Hon Matt Keogh MP Minister for Veterans' Affairs Minister for Defence Personnel The Australian Government is investing in a better future for Defence personnel, veterans and families, responding [...]

Funding to honour SA’s military history now open

Oct 2022|News|

Ex-service organisations and community groups from across South Australia are invited to apply for funding to support projects that aim to commemorate, engage and educate, with the opening of the annual Anzac Day Commemoration Fund today. Funding of up to [...]